Sunday Night LIVE! 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary
Is traditional church too early? Too formal? Too dressed up? Then join us for Sunday Night Live!
We meet every Sunday night at 7 pm in the Sanctuary, with a remarkable array of guest musicians across our city. SNL is musical, biblical, recovery-friendly, and inspirational! It is also casual. Jeans, t-shirts, shorts, and pants are worn by most.
30 years ago, Sunday Night Live was started as an alternative to our morning service and aimed at those who were attending the many recovery meetings we held on our campus every week. 30 years later, we are still hosting about a dozen AA and NA meetings every week at Fairmont, and continue to reach those in the recovery community and those looking for a more casual service on Sunday nights
We have a rotation of choirs, soloists, and bands who lead this worship service. We also celebrate Holy Communion monthly. But Sunday Night Live is one of the most diverse, relaxed, memorable worship services you will encounter. We hope you will check it out, and we look forward to seeing you soon!