Youth Ministries at Fairmont

Fairmont UMC Youth
Journey Together Youth

Fairmont values our young members and seeks to guide them into a lifelong relationship with God. We offer a variety of formational and fun programs for our members of all ages!

Youth Group

Middle and high schoolers are invited to youth group, which meets during the school year. Youth build relationships with God and each other through programs, mission opportunities, devotions, and trips. Youth also travel for North Carolina Conference youth events like Breakaway and Pilgrimage.

Currently, the youth group is meeting about twice a month. Talk to our pastor for more information!


Confirmation is an important milestone in one’s spiritual journey as youth confirm the promises made at their baptism and become professing members of the church. Along with adult mentors and the pastor, youth in middle and high school explore what it means to live as a Christian and grow in their love for God and their neighbor. They reflect on and learn about theology, the Bible, and service in the church and participate in retreats, service projects, small groups, and worship.

Youth in Worship

Youth can also serve as worship leaders in our service, as liturgists who lead prayers and Scripture readings, and as assistant who help livestream the service.

Mission Trips

Additionally, older youth are invited to participate on Fairmont’s intergenerational mission trips. These teams have traveled to rural Virginia, western and eastern North Carolina, coastal South Carolina, Florida, Jamaica, the Mississippi coast, Costa Rica, and other locations. Our work teams help with repairs to hurricane-damaged houses, paint, prep, build and more.

Mission Projects

Youth are a part of mission and service at Fairmont too! They participate in the CROP Walk, stock our Little Free Food Pantry, write cards to our shut-ins, serve the church and community through landscaping or construction, and cook and serve during Sunday Mission Lunches.

See Our Children's Ministries Safe Sanctuaries