Children's Ministries at Fairmont
Fairmont values our youngest disciples and seeks to help guide them into a lifelong relationship with God through formation and fun! All volunteers & leaders are screened and Safe Sanctuaries trained to keep our young members safe.
Children’s Church
Children from 4 years old to 5th grade are invited to children’s church during morning worship, where they can grow as disciples through stories, songs, games, activities, and crafts! Children accompany their parents to worship, then are guided to Children’s Church following the Gathering of All God's Children in worship. On Communion Sundays, children return to receive Communion with their families.
Helpers are needed each Sunday. Sign up here to help!
Children in Worship
Children of all ages are always welcome in our worship services! Children’s bulletins are available from a greeter or usher, and children’s worship materials are located on a cart near the entrance of the Sanctuary. (See an usher for help!)
Every Sunday morning during worship, a special moment for children is offered by a pastor or other adult leader. (Laughter and wiggles are welcome!)
Children and youth serve as worship leaders in our service, as acolytes who bring the light of Christ into the service. Contact the church office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if your child or youth would like to serve!
Nursery Care
During morning worship, infants and children up to age four are cared for by caring and trained nursery workers and volunteers. See an usher for assistance!
Volunteers are needed -- sign up here.