Sunday Morning at 11:00 AM

Sunday Morning at Christmas

Join us Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM for our classic worship service filled with hymns, songs, a choir, scripture, and a sermon. Our morning service also includes friendly people who greet one another during the Passing of the Peace, bring our kids up to children’s time at the front, share our prayer requests during Celebrations and Concerns, and seek practical ways to live out God’s love and grace for our community and world. On the first Sunday of every month, we celebrate Holy Communion together too.

Most people at our morning service dress in business casual, meaning you’ll see collared shirts, pants, dresses, slacks, and trousers. Our college ministry normally joins us at this service as well, along with members and friends from the neighborhood and the wider Triangle community.

Sunday Night LIVE! 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary

Sunday Night Live at Christmas

Is traditional church too early? Too formal? Too dressed up? Then join us for Sunday Night Live!

We meet every Sunday night at 7 pm in the Sanctuary, with a remarkable array of guest musicians across our city. SNL is musical, biblical, recovery-friendly, and inspirational! It is also casual. Jeans, t-shirts, shorts, and pants are worn by most.

30 years ago, Sunday Night Live was started as an alternative to our morning service and aimed at those who were attending the many recovery meetings we held on our campus every week. 30 years later, we are still hosting about a dozen AA and NA meetings every week at Fairmont, and continue to reach those in the recovery community and those looking for a more casual service on Sunday nights

We have a rotation of choirs, soloists, and bands who lead this worship service. We also celebrate Holy Communion monthly. But Sunday Night Live is one of the most diverse, relaxed, memorable worship services you will encounter. We hope you will check it out, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Women of Faith    Fairmont Gospel Revue


Chancel Choir at Christmas

Sunday Night Live at Christmas

We have a wide range of music ministries for all ages, including vocal and bell choirs, small group ensembles, instrumental ensembles, gospel choirs, and gospel jazz.

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Newest Fairmont Choir

Women of Faith Group

The new choir Women of Faith, under the direction of Randy Shepard, has become a regular contributor to our Sunday Night LIVE! services. Hear them each second Sunday at 7:00 PM.